Weekly News
This week we have been very busy
writing our tunnel adventure stories. The children showed fantastic imagination
and tried hard to include lots of detail to interest the reader. Everyone tried
to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces interesting sentences
starters and adjectives. Some children even added similes and speech marks.
In Maths we have started learning
how to use a blank number line to add. The children used their understanding of
place value to add the tens and ones separately. We had three levels of
Bronze: Add a 2 digit number and
a 1 digit number.
Silver: Add a 2 digit number and a tens number.
Gold: Add two 2-digit numbers (tens and ones)
Below is a picture to show the strategy:
In Religious Education we have
started to look at Christianity by looking at the features of a Christian
church. The children drew and labelled a church and some children went on to
write facts about Christianity including the symbols, holy book and festivals
associated with the faith.
You will see in the children's home learning books that there is a reading activity. This will count as one piece of home learning and must be completed by Monday the 20th as part of our 'Reading for Pleasure' whole school focus.
On Wednesday the 15th
of November, in the afternoon, Whales class will be walking to Mulbarton Church
where Rev. Adrian will be showing the children around. We would really
appreciate a few parent helpers to come with us. Shark class will be doing the
same trip during the afternoon of Wednesday the 22nd. Please let the
class teachers know if you are available to help on either week.
Both classes are also attending a
Multiskills festival at Easton College on Thursday the 23rd
(morning). We would like to have 2 adult helpers to help with this too, if
possible. Again, please let us know if you are free to help.