Monday, 29 January 2018

Dance Showcase - proud teacher!

We are incredibly proud of our Year 2 children who took part in the Dance Showcase called 'Top of the Pops'.

They performed alongside 11 other schools in a show that was enjoyed by all.

We have had so many lovely comments including the one below (Thank you!):

'I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all of the staff involved in yesterday's Dance Showcase event at the Open.
My child absolutely loved the whole day and the first thing she said when she came out was that her t-shirt was right, it was the best day ever!
I think the school deserves credit for getting involved in something that has been so beneficial for the children - from learning the routines, to giving them the confidence to perform so brilliantly on stage in front of a big audience.
I certainly left feeling very proud, not only of my child but also of being part of the school.' - (Year 2 Parent)

For photos from the event please look at:

Thursday, 18 January 2018


On Monday we made Snozzcumbers from the BFG.

We introduced children to verbs during the making such as; mix, chop, peel, sprinkle, cut.

They were most!

Friday, 12 January 2018

Week of Inspirational Maths

This week the whole school has been having a special week of 'Inspirational Maths'.

Every day we have watched a growth mindset video about how our brains grow and change, how making mistakes is powerful, how you can use many strategies and how speed is not important.

The activities are designed to show hoe open, creative and visual Maths can be.

We are very lucky to have such a math-loving bunch of children. It really makes a difference to their progress.

Below are some pictures of the children working together to build shapes from a rope. They had 3 rules;
1. They could not untie the rope.
2. They all had to have at least one hand on the rope at all times.
3. They had to use all the rope.

The shapes they managed to make included; square, rectangle, star, pyramid and a cube.

Friday, 5 January 2018

Muck, Mess and Mixtures!

This morning we had our 'Messy Morning' to launch our new topic 'Muck, Mess and Mixtures'.

We had nine messy things for the children to dip their hands into including; beans, gloop (cornflour+water), cornflakes, sand, paint, shaving foam, leaves, clay and jelly.

The children had an amazing time feeling all the mixtures and writing words to describe what they looked, felt and smelt like.

As you can see from the below pictures, it was lots of fun and very messy!