Friday, 23 March 2018
Game making and instruction writing
This week the children have been working collaboratively to create a new ball game.
We had lots of new exciting games to play.
In English we wrote the instructions for our new game. We used many features including; title, list of equipment, numbered steps, imperative verbs, time conjunctions, diagrams, an introduction and hints and tips.
We were very impressed with their lovely neat writing and professional layout.
The instructions were tested by other groups later in the week.
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Daily Mile for Sports Relief
We are really enjoying completing 'a mile a day' to raise money for Sport Relief.
Every child and adult is running or walking for 10mins a day, every day this week. Once combined this should total the distance from Mulbarton to Cairo.
Jessie the school dog joined us today!
Please do help us raise money for this fantastic cause by sponsoring your child.
Many thanks :)
Friday, 9 March 2018
World Book Day :)

We have had a fabulous day of activities based around books.
We began with a whole school assembly where Mrs Bird launched the day.
Then we completed activities in our own classes for the rest of the morning.
In the afternoon we got into our houses and circle time groups and completed a world book day quiz in the hall.
Finally, all the adults read books at the end of the day and we chose which one we went to hear.

Our class book was 'Aliens Love Underpants' and we had 4 activities:
1) Making a rocket bookmark
2) Investigating magnets
3) Writing a story about a pet alien
4) Making symmetrical aliens and pants

We had lots of fun working across the Year 2 base.
The children all looked amazing in their costumes...........

.........and the adults tried too!
Monday, 5 March 2018
Recount writing
After all this snowy weather we finally got round to writing a recount about our school trip to the UEA Sportspark.
This was a free writing activity where the children had to be aspirational and think for themselves about what would make their writing 'sparkle'.
Many Dojo points were handed out and a few children took theirs to Mrs Theobald - she was very impressed!
PE Fun!
We do enjoy a good PE session where we practise our physical skills and use up some energy.
Today we were practising throwing and catching, particularly over arm throwing.
Some children felt that they needed a larger ball to begin with, but many managed to move on to, and accurately pass and receive, a tennis ball sized-ball!
We then applied our skills in a game of 'piggy in the middle'. During this activity we talked about 'sportsmanship' and the children complimented each other on their intercepting skills.
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