Thursday, 28 February 2019

Weekly News

We have had a lovely week in Year 2 and have been very busy.

In English this week we have been story mapping our Power of Reading story ‘The Princess and the White Bear King’. We divided the story into chapters and began to plan our own chapters to write. We have used our story maps to write our own chapter with adjectives and adverbial phrases to say when and where things happened. We have edited and improved our work ready to write up in best next week to make our own collaborative versions of the book.

In Maths this week we have been focussing on money. We have learnt about the values of different coins and worked on making different amounts using the coins. We have also focussed on adding amounts of money and finding totals.

In Science this week we have been out on a ‘I wonder…’ walk and thought about questions that we could investigate later in the year about plants and nature. The teachers will use these questions later in the year to plan some exciting science investigations.

We have continued our work on Judaism this week and learnt about the festival of Shabbat. We learnt about why Jewish people celebrate Shabbat and how they do this. We also had our own Shabbat meal with bread and grape juice (blackcurrant squash).

Next week we will be taking part in an exciting innovate challenge to finish off our ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’ topic. We would appreciate any donations of junk for junk modelling that you may have (boxes, cardboard tubes, bottles). These need to be brought in by Wednesday 6th. Thank you.

In the week beginning 11th March we will be launching our new topic ‘Street Detectives’ with a walk around Mulbarton to explore our local community.  We would appreciate any volunteers that are able to assist us with a walk on Monday morning, we will be leaving school at 9.30am and aiming to return before lunch.  Please let your child’s teacher know if you are available to help.


This week we have been continuing our work on the Judaism faith by learning about their weekly celebration - Shabbat.

We learnt that on the 7th day of the week Jewish families have a day of rest, called Shabbat, where they relax and spend time together. They have a special meal which must include bread and wine (or grape juice). The reason they do this is because they believe that God made the world in 6 days and on the 7th day he had a rest.

We sat in a circle and role played a Shabbat meal with candles, blessings, bread and juice.

Friday, 15 February 2019

Campfire Time!

A wonderful experience sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows :)

The Great Escape Drama

These are some pictures showing a drama activity where the children acted out The Great Escape from World War 2 in 1944.

They used bowls and spoons to dig their tunnels and made tunnels from chairs to crawl through.

They learnt many facts and went on to write a recount about The Great Escape in their books.


 This week we have been busy learning all about fractions of shape and number. On Tuesday we played a game using non-unit fractions. The bottom number was how many pieces the shape was cut into and the top number was how many were coloured in.

Weekly News

This week in school, we have been exploring the end of our story and began by attempting to predict the end of the story.  We did some role-play about the wedding and re-enacted the final scene with the troll Queen being turned into stone.  We went on to write questions for the troll queen and then interviewed her to ask her about her thoughts and feelings on the fairness of the ending.  We then wrote a letter of complaint on her behalf, complaining about how unfair it was that she did not get a happy ending.

In maths, we have continued our work on fractions and learnt about 1/3 of shapes, numbers and objects.  We have then learnt about identifying the different fractions, comparing them and then looking at the relationship between ½ and 2/4.

In topic this week, we have made paper bridges and explored the properties of the paper and how we could make it stronger.  This was fun and the children were expert bridge builders.  During our history topic this week, we have learnt about the great escape and re-enacted this using bowls and spoons to dig tunnels and try to escape the guards.  We went on to write a recount of the events during the great escape in 1944.  The children were fascinated and amused by the names of the three tunnels ‘Tom, Dick and Harry!’

Please spend some time over half term having a look at Bug Club and Education city.

FYI – our next learning cafĂ© will be on Tuesday 26th March.
Have a great half term holiday – The year 2 team.

Friday, 8 February 2019

Precious Items

We had a lovely day in Year 2 on Wednesday.

Our Power of Reading book contained a quote 'not for sale for gold or for money'.

We discussed precious items that we would not want to sell or give away. The children brought in their items and shared them with the rest of the class during a show and tell session. 

 Later in the day they wrote about their special items. They included what it was, where it came from, why it was special and any interesting facts.

The children then proof-read and edited their work before writing up neatly in pen.

Some of their work is ow on display in the lower school hall.

Weekly News

This week at school, we have been doing some more drama around our story and re-enacted the princesses climb up the mountain.  We went on to write a diary about how the princess felt during her climb thinking carefully about our adjectives and CFFS.  The children enjoyed bringing in their ‘precious items’ and talking about them to the class group.  They went on to write a description of their item, edit their work and then write it up in their neatest handwriting using a pen!

In maths this week, we have been re-capping 3D shape knowledge and their properties.  We had lots of fun using marshmallows and cocktail sticks to build a 3D shape.  The children have now begun to learn about fractions and we have started with ½ and ¼.  We have looked at half of numbers, shapes, length and quantities.

During our topic work, we have learnt about tunnelling animals, finding information and recording this in a chart.  We also used charcoal and white paint to draw a winter scene thinking about form, line, shape and space.  The children did a fabulous job and were very creative.

Have a great weekend
Year 2 team.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Dance Showcase

A very very big WELL DONE to all these fantastic children for their brilliant performance on Wednesday.
They danced to a song from the film Moana at the Open in Norwich alongside 13 other schools.

It was a brilliant night!