Friday, 26 April 2019

Weekly News

Welcome back to the Summer term!

We started the week by planning our leaflets for the Sainsbury Centre. The children looked at real-life leaflets to decide what features they should include. The planned space for headings, a map, pictures, prices, opening times, etc. Later in the week, we wrote persuasive paragraphs about what you can do at the Sainsbury Centre, the shop and the café. On Friday, we used our planning to make the leaflets. These have been photocopied and sent to the Sainsbury Centre for them to, hopefully, use.

In maths this week, we learnt about how to read scales. We looked at real-life scales on car speedometers, measuring jugs, rulers, weighing scales, etc. The children looked closely to see what steps the scales were counting in (1s, 2s, 5s, 10s) and had to work out the missing number. Later in the term, we will be applying this skill by reading thermometers.

During the afternoons, we have been designing, making and evaluating sock puppets. The children have had lots of fun and we are very impressed with how much their real puppet looks like their design!

Sock Puppets

 Our Power of Reading story has a character called 'Claude' whose best friend is a sock called 'Sir Bobbly Sock'. 

This week we have been busy  making our own  sock friends (puppets). 

First, we designed our puppets and thought about the materials we would need.

Next, we cut out all the shapes and collected all the things we needed (buttons, pom-poms, wool, felt, etc.)

 Then, we worked with a grown-up to glue the pieces in the right place.

After that, we tried out our sock puppets.

Finally, we evaluated our creations by thinking about what went well and what we would do differently next time.

They really are rather amazing!! 

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Sainsbury Centre Trip

We have had a lovely day at the Sainsbury Centre!

To begin, the children were 'Gallery Detectives' and had to find out as much information out about the building, what it was and what it had inside. 
Next, they completed sketching activities. This included doing a continuous line drawing, sketching small, sketching like scientists and sketching from memory. 
After lunch, we went outside and explored the outdoor sculptures.
We also had a fun time playing outside in the sunshine.

Weekly News

This week, in English, we have written our newspaper reports about the ‘great sculpture robbery’ that took place in the art gallery of our book ‘Claude in the City’. The children wrote a headline, drew a picture with a caption and included lots of real facts and quotes from local people. We have used the opportunity to discuss the features of non-fiction texts.

In the afternoons, we have been busy completing Easter and spring craft activities. The children really enjoyed making their bouncing chicks and chocolate Easter nests in baskets.

On Thursday, we had a wonderful time on our school trip. The children found out lots of information about the Sainsbury Centre and completed some sketching activities. After Easter, we will be continuing our work on non-fiction by making leaflets/guidebooks for the Sainsbury Centre using the information we collected.

We have had our final practise of our ‘special booklets’ (SATs) ready for May and we are pleased with the progress that the children have made. Over the Easter holidays, please continue to hear you child read little and often, and, if you have time, complete a few maths problems with them (all 4 operations). However, and most importantly, we really hope you all have a relaxing Easter filled with exciting activates.

Year 2 Team