have had a busy week in Year 2 and taken part in lots of exciting activities,
which we have really enjoyed.
Maths, this week we have been practising counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s
forwards and backwards. We have also been learning to tell the time on an
analogue clock by reading the times on the clock. We have practised o’clock,
half past, quarter past, quarter to and some of us have been learning to tell
the time to the nearest five minutes. We have also practised drawing the hands
on the clock to show the correct time.
English we have been really enjoying our work on the ‘Power of Reading’
project. We started the week by making a crown for the Princess that was
brighter than the sun. The children then wrote some fantastic letters to the
King to persuade him that their crown was the best. Children wrote questions to
ask the Princess about her journey with the bear and went on to write a diary
entry about her day.
Topic we have been learning about hot and cold countries. We learnt about the
location of the Equator and how this affects the climate. We have carried out a scientific experiment
to investigate the properties of ice and changing state. The children really
enjoyed this activity and using their investigative skills. We have learnt
about Judaism in RE and thought about different important aspects of the
religion. In Spanish we have learnt six new colours and played some games using
these. We will continue to practise these in class.
are looking at adding to our reading areas and if any of the children have any
magazines and comics that they have finished reading at home we would be very
grateful to receive any donations for the classroom.
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